Saturday 23 February 2008

Neither wind, nor rain, nor sleet, nor snow...

Two weeks ago

The last couple of weeks have been interesting. I have cycled through all weathers. I have learned how to cope with it, it is not great but necessary. Freezing fog was terrible, I took these pictures just before I entered the freezing fog, and I am glad I did, once I entered the freezing fog I could not see anything. For a couple of days the freezing fog stayed around and it made cycling difficult and dangerous.

During the week I had to work late, this meant that it was dark by the time I got back home. With the temperature being so low it was also very icy. On the way back one evening I got dazzled by a car's headlights and I must have hit something like a stone because I lost control of my bike whilst doing about 12 miles per hour, I knew that I was going to come off the bike as I could no longer control it, so I had to make a decision either to fall left, onto the road or to fall right on to grass, possibly some concrete or metal fence posts. I took this option and hoped for the best. I landed in some bushes and grass. Managed to get up and ride home. I had some cuts and bruises but it taught me to be more careful especially after dark.

Last week end I wanted to push myself, even though it was very cold I wanted to do around 30 miles. Unfortunately, by the time I could leave it was getting dark so I decided to do 10 miles instead and would try to get back before it was dark. I set off with my hydration pack on, I got about 4 miles and stopped to take these pictures. I was freezing and as I took my camera out of my back pocket of my cycling jersey I realized that my hydration pack had been leaking onto my spine at the small of my back. So I decided it was time to return home so I only ended up doing 8,5 miles. I have never felt so cold in my life, all of the way home the freezing wind was blowing against my back making the situation even worse, I have never been so glad to have a hot shower. I later found out that the hydration pack was fine, but it needed the tube fastening back in as it was no longer a tight seal.

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